Any successful business will have a recognisable brand.

A brand is a collection of elements that customers think of when they picture your business. Your brand is influenced by things like your logo, your social media presence, your personality, and the products and services you offer. The strongest brands understand how to tie all of these elements into a complete package.

Logos are often the first thing people work on when it comes to their business because they are the first thing most customers see.

If you run a company, you already know how hard it can be to run the day-to-day operations and other departments. As a CEO, you have to wear a lot of hats. From building a loyal consumer base, supervising your employees, to keeping track of finances, it’s understandably difficult to prioritise your tasks. However, choosing a logo designer in Birmingham to build your brand should always be near the top for several reasons.

In What Ways Does a Brand Help a Business?

77% of marketers agree that branding is crucial to business growth, but how exactly is a well-maintained brand beneficial to a company?

It Encourages Recognition

It’s a line uttered in every marketing class: brand awareness breeds business potential. Because it’s easy to connect with a catchy branding scheme, a logo helps customers quickly identify with your business through advertising.

Not convinced? You should know that nearly 6 out of 10 shoppers prefer to buy new products from familiar brands. Consider contacting a graphic design agency in Birmingham to assist in designing a memorable and recognisable logo.

It Generates Loyalty

A brand with a solid reputation promotes a sense of familiarity and trust. Getting new customers through positive word-of-mouth is easier with a well-established brand. This benefit is especially significant considering 7 out of 10 brand managers believe building an audience is more important than making sales. Plus, studies have shown that brand awareness and brand equity are directly related.

It Creates the Image of Success

A company with strong branding will appear more successful than one that looks amateur in comparison. Customers like companies that look organised and a strong brand creates the impression that a company is well-run and takes pride in its products and services.

It Provides a Goal for You and Your Employees

Employees need to understand the business’s purpose and mission. Only then can they feel a sense of accomplishment in achieving the objectives of the company. A unified brand is a purpose to stand behind and something everyone can work to improve on.

What Are the Characteristics of an Effective Brand?

It Must Reflect Your Company’s Mission

Whether it’s your logo or slogan, the message your audience receives must be in line with your company’s goals. Know what kind of audience you will be aiming for before starting your journey in logo design in Birmingham.

For example, a sports store could benefit from a flashy, energetic brand name, whereas an office supplies manufacturer should aim for a professional setup.

It Should Be Descriptive but Brief

Capture the character of your business without sounding monotonous. Many choices regarding design, colors, and the elements of a logo play into how effective it becomes. Remember that too much text can be overwhelming, and graphics are preferable in most cases.

A signature color, for instance, can increase brand recognition by as much as 80%. Think of Facebook blue or Starbucks green. Brand colors are important and a recognisable part of any brand.

It Has to be Consistent

But the most crucial aspect of building a brand is ensuring it is consistent across all platforms from social media posts to corporate documents to physical signs. A logo, after all, will be displayed almost everywhere, so use the same logo and branding to promote faster recognition and prevent confusion. A study conducted by Design Rush concludes that consistent brand presentation increases revenue by up to 23%.

Even some of the largest companies slip up in this regard. During one Christmas season, Coca Cola released a special edition white can for their classic beverage traditionally found in a red container. This breach of brand consistency made the regular drink look too much like Diet Coke. Many customers even reported that the beverage tasted different in the white can. In only a few weeks after launch, Coca Cola rolled back this change.

What Should I Do After Creating My Brand?

Register a Trademark

Once you’ve finished your brand and logo, remember to register the trademark to prevent anyone else from stealing your designs and avoid potential legal issues in the future.

Fulfill the Promise

Follow through by providing an excellent first impression to new customers. 48% of customers decide whether they will remain loyal to a brand at the point of first purchase. Don’t let lousy customer service mess up your brand’s growing traction.

The Takeaway

Branding should never be an afterthought. An essential component of success, branding is what your organisation relies on for recognition, consumer loyalty, and purpose. An effective logo reflects your mission while remaining terse and memorable. Remember that consistency is key, and a first impression is a lasting one.

Are you looking for graphic design in Birmingham? Contact Globalgraphics today if you’d like to kickstart your branding efforts with a new logo design