Typography on the web – the @font-face rule and font resources

Using custom fonts on the web has moved on – no longer do web designers and developers need to rely on the user already having a font

10 September 2015

Do web-developers need to build for mobile devices?

Well, it all really depends on the website and the target audience….

10 September 2015

Classic ASP: Recordsets vs GetRows

A look at Classic ASP and Recordsets…

10 September 2015

State saving navigation with CSS

A common feature of most web navigation systems is the “active” state…

10 September 2015

ASP Round Function Error

I have been programming in classic ASP for over 6 years now. When building checkout facilities it is necessary to round prices to 2 decimal places

10 September 2015

Create a mobile phone version of your website with CSS3 Media Queries

Create a mobile phone version of your website with CSS3 Media Queries

10 September 2015

ASP to PHP – The Transition

Moving from ASP to PHP…

10 September 2015

Progressive Enhancement / Graceful Degradation

Introducing the concepts of Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation

10 September 2015

What is HTML5 and should I care?

HTML5 is the latest revision of the HTML standard for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web.

10 September 2015