The dreaded slow loading websites…

Long gone are the days we’d tap our fingers waiting for a website to load. Us savvy online users have high expectations – speedy loading websites being one…

27 June 2024

Maintaining your website (Part 2)

Here are 7 more key areas for you to consider and address in order to avoid anything going wrong with your website’s performance…

2 February 2024
Creative team discussing website optimization and performance improvements

Maintaining your website once its launched

Regularly checking and maintaining your website will help ensure you don’t experience any nasty surprises further down the line!

30 January 2024

Are your WordPress plugins up to date?

Your website works fine…until it doesn’t! Behind the scenes, WordPress and any plugins that your website uses will need regular software updates. Are they out of date?

12 July 2023

Ecommerce trends to watch out for in 2023

The world of ecommerce never stands still. 2023 will see even more improvements to attract customers in and make it easier for them to shop. Here are just a handful…

12 January 2023

How to reduce the bounce rate of your ecommerce store

You have a lovely ecommerce store, so why are are visitors just up and leaving? Well, alarm bells should be ringing! There’s something not right that’s putting them off…

5 October 2022

10 Good Reasons why you should use the WordPress CMS

And we’re back on the subject of WordPress again! But, what’s not to love about this popular CMS? Here are two handfuls of reasons for you to consider…

5 October 2022

WordPress 6 offers up new and significant improvements

The most popular and loved content management system has now become even more friendlier it seems. Joe Riley briefs us on what’s in store with WordPress 6…

7 July 2022

A quick introduction to the role of AI in web development

AI helps websites provide more personalised experiences for visitors. Joe Riley investigates and provides you with an introduction to this fascinating technology…

6 June 2022