The dreaded slow loading websites…

Long gone are the days we’d tap our fingers waiting for a website to load. Us savvy online users have high expectations – speedy loading websites being one…

27 June 2024

Let’s talk about website bounce rates!

Why on earth do people land on your website and then immediately leave? That frustrating bounce rate is a red flag that means you need to take action on your website…

8 May 2024

White hat and black hat – don’t go over to the dark side!

There’s no shortcut in getting your website into the spotlight. White Hat SEO techniques can bring long-term results, whilst Black Hat ones bring just failure and misery.

4 March 2024

Ditch the clutter with minimalist web design

Is your website looking a tad overcluttered. Do you think users are being put off? Then it’s time to consider minimalist web design!

16 February 2024

Maintaining your website (Part 2)

Here are 7 more key areas for you to consider and address in order to avoid anything going wrong with your website’s performance…

2 February 2024
Creative team discussing website optimization and performance improvements

Maintaining your website once its launched

Regularly checking and maintaining your website will help ensure you don’t experience any nasty surprises further down the line!

30 January 2024

Customer Reviews – Dreaded or Beloved?

Don’t get complacent about customer reviews! Whether you’re basking in review heaven where everyone loves you, or feeling the brunt of negative feedback. Take action!

20 December 2023

Can your online store compete with Amazon?

Is there room for any other ecommerce website when Amazon seems to dominate online sales? It depends on what product you specialise in and your approach…

30 November 2023

Ideas to boost Christmas sales on your ecommerce website!

With Christmas fast around the corner it’s time to get into the Christmas spirit and make your ecommerce website a festive place to shop!

13 November 2023